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About The OBNEA
The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Employees Association, (OBNEA), was formed in August, 2008 when OBN employees recognized a significant need to support the men and women engaged in the battle against drug abuse in Oklahoma. That battle often comes at significant cost to the families of those that serve.
The OBNEA’s motto is:
“We Support the men and women who have dedicated their lives to making Oklahoma a drug free state�

Our goal is to be there when disaster strikes those that serve. Sadly we have learned through the years that when a member is killed in the line of duty, or dies unexpectedly, their families are forced into difficult situations. The OBNEA has pledged to be there to support those families in any way we can.  

To provide this assistance The OBNEA has established an “OBNEA Emergency Fund� to help stricken families financially if the need arises. To maintain this Emergency Fund The OBNEA sponsors fundraisers like the annual Halloween Run.